• Modular Process

    Our modular approach maximizes operational efficiency by breaking complex processes into modular units.

  • Minimum Leached

    providing state-of-the-art leachate management solutions, ensuring minimal environmental impact and maximizing safety.

  • Odor less process

    Say goodbye to the traditional, smelly waste disposal methods and embrace a clean, odorless environment.


Get to Know About Us

Transforming Waste Management: Leading the Way to a Sustainable Future

Welcome to Green Earth Resources, a leading waste management service and product company dedicated to providing sustainable solutions for a cleaner and greener future. With a strong commitment to environmental stewardship and innovation, we aim to revolutionize the way waste is managed and contribute to a healthier planet.

Whether you're a residential customer, a commercial enterprise, or a public institution, we have the expertise to handle your waste management requirements efficiently and responsibly


Products & Services


RDF Torrefaction refers to the process of terrifying or roasting Refuse-DerivedFuel(RDF),which is a type of solid fuel produced from municipal solid waste (MSW)...

Torr Gas Burner System

The Torr-Gas burner System can be run using a combination of fuels or Torr-gas. Thesystemtypically starts with external fuel support until sufficient Torr-gas...

Anaerobic Thermal Stabilizer (ATS)

The Rotary Reactor (ATS) is designed to operate at high temperatures andwithlowlevelsofambient air infiltration, very similar to a Rotary Kiln in Cement...

ATS Feed System

The Feed System comprises a flared steel duct that connects by flange totheATSinletseal.Ithouses a stainless steel, louvered, material infeed chute. The chute delivers material fromtheairlocks into the...

ATS Discharge System

The discharge system is a hopper/cyclone arrangement which gives a compactfootprintminimizes structural steel and reduces pressure drop when compared to more...

System Controls

Automatic operation of the Complete System is controlled by PLC. The operationof theSystem is monitored by the System Operator via a panel mounted HMI. The ATS uses a combination of...

Sustainable Waste Management Services

Efficient Waste Management

Sustainable Waste Management Services

EcoWaste Management Solutions

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+91 79001 99091

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